cleaning your lens

I probably don't look after them as well as I should but I've not had any problems. I have a lens pen to take smears and dust off if I'm out and then have a proper lens cleaning cloth I use at home. Most of the time I just use a rocket blower to clear dust off though.

As I keep a UV filter on all the time I don't have to touch the front element and if I do anything silly with it at least I've only done it to the filter. I've not had to touch the back element on any of my lenses yet though.
hoodmeister said:
Excuse my ignorance... But what is a lens pen?

It's shaped like a marker pen. At one end is a retractable soft brush for removing dust. At the other end is a pad with some sort of cleaning solution for removing fingerprints/smears.

Don't think this counts as a competitior but if it does please remove. lenspen
I am guilty of using a various lint-free cloths to clean up both elements of all my lenses :o

Maybe I have been fortunate thus far to not cause any damage/scratches etc. on any of the elements on my lenses.

I need a blower really.
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