basically, because im studying mental health, i get sent on clinical placements that last for 7 weeks. this makes part time work a real hassle because im off and on all the time and very few employers tolerate this. im currently on the bank at the local hospital but it's absolute dire - lowest of the low type work. the nurses hate you because your unqualified (even though they know im training) and the HCA's hate you because you're training to be better than them. plus, the money is terrible and it's very demanding work.
i figured these trials can pay quite well and are quite flexible with regard to when and where you do the trials and will often pay for your travel expenses too. also, being diabetic, im keen to do whats called "patient" trials where they can test new products such as inhaled insulin, somthing im very keen on as injecting 4 or 5 times a day can be a real nightmare (injection rotation, scar tissue etc)
i've found one place that does trials around the country so i'll see what they say.