Clive Owen Is A Terrible Actor

25 Oct 2005
Hi guys,

I have watched The Bourne Identity, I have watched King Arthur, I have watched Closer, and tonight have watched Sin City. I am sorry, but I do not understand how this man is an actor, he is stiffer than Keanu Reeves and he is more monotonous than Arnold Schwarznegger, and it bugs the hell out of me.

He has single-handedly ruined all of the above movies for me. The only saving grace of The Bourne Identity was the action, the only saving grace of King Arthur was Keira Knightley and the other knights of the round table being great actors and plenty of action, the only saving grace of Closer was Natalie Portman stripping, and Sin City was a good film, but he still managed to ruin it.

The guy from the Cillit Bang advert has more acting talent in his little finger than Clive Owen does in his entire body, and I hope they end up switching jobs.

Am I the only one? :confused:

Sincerely yours,
penski said:
Hang on...You watched a Bourne film and chose to pick on Clive Owen instead of Matt **** FACE Damon?!

I hated Matt Damon too, but that wouldn't have fitted with the topic as well. ;) They both suck, it's just that Clive Owen has ruined more movies for me than Matt Damon has. :(

Castor said:
Watch 'I'll sleep when im dead', great gangster flick writen by the same guy who wrote Get Carter. You may change your mind.

One mans meat is another mans murder, it's all subjective :D
Unfortunately, I don't think watching one film he acts well in would change the fact that he utterly ruined four others. :(
vonhelmet said:
Yeah, it would be terrible for an actor to come across as somewhat cold, wooden and monotonous, as there are no people in real life who are somewhat cold, wooden and monotonous, and thus having such a person in a film completely spoils it.
If the characters he plays were cold, wooden and monotonous then I wouldn't mind, but somehow I don't think that King Arthur spoke like he was reading a script off the back of a Cornflakes box.
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