close up lenses?

7 Jul 2006
Stoke on Trent
Wasnt sure really if this shoudl have been in my other question but didnt want to confuse the issue.

On the popular auction site, there are some close up lenses for sale, which basically screw onto the end of a "normal" lens.

Are these things worth getting, or is it a case of dont touch with a barge pole.

the lenses we have here are a minolta 28-70 and a sigma 70 - 210

Again as always, any suggestions are welcome
I've tried a Cokin one and didn't really get on with it, the quality wasn't great and it was quite difficult to use due to the tiny DoF. I'm using a set of extension tubes instead these days, the image quality is better because you're not introducing any more glass into the optical path.

A set of Kenko tubes should only set you back £80 or so tops.
As per RPs comments, I also have a set of Kenko, easy to use, no glass to degrade picture quality and good value for money.
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