Closest thing to SWOS on Switch?

2 Nov 2013
Is there a retro footie game available on the Switch that is modelled after SWOS? I've got a hankering to play it again, and the Switch seems like a perfect platform for it. But I'm hesitant about buying anything describing itself as retro, because the other top down football game of those years (which I just can't remember the name of currently) I didn't get on with at all.
Sociable Soccer, made by SWOS original Jon Hare, is on its way to Switch soon. Though it's supposedly been on its way to Switch 'soon' for about 5 years so...
I always found the pc version to be worse than the amiga version. You could setup winuae on the pc to run the best version of the game.
SWOS was so fast paced and playable for its time. So simple to pickup and play, like all Amiga games, and IIRC came on only 1 disk so no swapping. Great game
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