Cloudflare: Browser has been banned by overclockers due to signature - anyone else affected?

19 Oct 2002
Auckland, New Zealand
Hi folks

Couldn't see something like this from other people so may just be me! I've been a member of OcUK forums since before the big wipe in 2002 and this is the first time I've seen a cloudflare error like this! I normally use MS Edge and up until last night it (NZ time) it was all working fine. Come to log in this morning and find that using Edge only I'm getting a cloudflare error 1010 stating that my browsers signature has been banned by the owner. Clearly I can still access the site and I am doing so by using Chrome but I was wondering if this was a problem due to an update, a random detection issue or something else?

Can a mod point me in the right direction?


Maybe, I've just clicked on the email notification for this thread and it loaded in to Edge which it would nromally do and I'm typing this via Edge... just a glitch I guess... probably just a cloudflare issue.
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