CM Stacker PSU Top Mounting

7 Sep 2005
I have had my stacker for about 3 months now, and i dont like the PSU at the bottom there is no way to hide the wires. Complete mess. In other cases i have had i dont think you could see a single wire after routing them. But cant seem to do anything with the wires going up to the drives etc.

What i would like to do it mount the PSU at the top, without to much work. How do you think the best way to do this would be?

Yeh i have the 810 the one with the psu mounting at the bottom.

It matters about the cabling as i was going to try a little mod with it. Wouldnt look right with the cables coming from the bottom.

If you look at squiffys pic, i thinik i could mount it where the highest 120mm fan is. But it isnt just a case of making holes for the screws as it would just be hanging.
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