CM Storm Trooper mod + build log

I dislike the text, the logo's are bleeding :(

I also dont like that text up the side,I wouldnt of tried anything like the window,paint if there wasnt the option of replacing it.Which im gonna do.
Gonna spary the mesh on the top red later today,was just gonna put LED's under it but the glow would be in my line of sight to my TV and prolly do my head in.The case only cost me £80 so with what ive wasted and the new panel still comes in @ about £120
The triple Rad mod i got from TTL
The window would have been much better if i used a Dremel and not a jigsaw.
That's against the wall so no probs,and yea when i continue with the build and water cooling ill post 10 pics of the same thing like everyone else does
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Ill make a new log for the build gonna be few months yet waiting for some money to come thats owed.The build log will be much better more pics and gonna be getting the side panel when OCUK have them in stock,been thinking of swapping my current gear over but means buying new tubing and cba to swap it back when the new build happens (son having it).
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