CMS URI's - Opinions

8 Oct 2005
Midlands, UK

I'm slightly updating our in house CMS's URL strucrure. Before, a page simple had a slug as follows: - this was the same even if the page had parent and child pages and was globally unique.

My aim is have urls in the following format: - that is auto generated if I set the "about" page to be the parent of "privacy policy". This is currently all working fine, even if it was a pain in arse to write and was a bit of good practice.

My question is this, when a user updates say the privacy page, which has a parent page, what would you do about the slug? I currently have it set to regenerate the URI (which I store in my db). This is fine, but it's just struck me, that updating the URI automatically poses a few potential issues:
  • the page at, which is potentially already indexed and linked to, wouldn't exist anymore
  • the child page uri's, whilst still valid wouldn't apply (or make any sense now as the parent page's URI has changed). I could easily update these in one fell swoop, but I'd have the latter issue again, but on multiple pages
What would you advise? As neat as the structured urls do look, I'm tempted to just revert back to a straight - always keeping a single level. What do you think?
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