Co-op games for Christmas?

5 Feb 2009
Starting to think about the kids' Christmas presents, and I usually grab them a few games as a bonus present in the sales. I'm mostly wanting some games we can play together (me and the two lads, that is).

We've had some good co-op fun in the past - played Remnant, Gauntlet, Orcs Must Die 2, and Sanctum with one lad, Portal 2 with the other, and RDR2 and Overwatch with both of them.

Remnant and RDR2 are the stand-outs and the ones we spent by far the most time in. Torchlight 2 and Borderlands 2 we didn't end up playing much for some reason.

I've been looking at Deep Rock Galactic, as that looks fun. It might be a bit simple though. The open-world feel and ongoing progression of RDR2 and Remnant were good points. I've been trying to talk them into some Dark Souls jolly cooperation, but they don't seem interested.

They play games for far more time each week than I do, so something like Remnant would be ideal, where you can progress alone but also team up as and when without it mattering if you've outlevelled each other (this is what killed our BL2 and Torchlight 2 playthroughs now I think about it...).

Anything around worth looking at?
Cool. Getting a nice little list going now. Cheers all.

I had no idea GoW was coop (played the first one years ago, but only SP) so that's a new one. Strange Brigade I have heard of but knew nothing about. It looks pretty cool, though. GRWL is also one I played briefly but forgot was made for coop.

We did all grab The Division for free not too long ago, but for some reason I haven't been able to talk them into installing it. :(

EDIT: Just saw the post mentioning Risk of Rain as well. I've added that. Looking for games to play with teenagers, and so long as we're not talking really disturbing content most stuff is probably okay. I ruled out GTA V since I actually found that quite disturbing myself.
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Ah cool. That's good to know. It was a mess in BL2. One of the lads played a lot on his own and whenever we teamed up again it was barely playable for us. I remember one game just getting repeatedly one-shot by trash mobs. In the end he made a new chatacter just for co-op but his heart was never in that one and it just petered out.
Satisfactory looks... complicated?

None of us are really into driving games, so don't think I'll add Wreckfest to the list to run by them.

And I forgot to include Sea of Thieves in my original post! We played loads of that too. They were addicted to it, and it was great fun joining them for missions. It's kind of fallen out of rotation now, but we certainly got our money's worth out of it for a good while.
BL2 didn't work out because one of the lads played on his own a lot as well as in coop so we kept finding our level disparity was too high and me and his brother were getting pulled into content we couldn't deal with. His brother got quite cross about it :)

The same lad also played Ark with a school friend when it was given away on Epic, and he's done with it now, which is a shame as I thought it looked good fun.
Cool. Glad to hear good things about DRG. That was one I thought looked really good.

Amra I always thought had a forboding reputation for hardcore realism and being a bit demanding to play?

Think I'll watch some videos about Phasmophobia too.
Cheers, guys.

Vermintide is like Left for Dead, but in Warhammer, right?

But... I had no idea Dying Light had coop! I really like the SP and was thinking the lads would like it too since they like zombie films. Will definitely have a look at how the coop works on that. Is it coop in the normal campaign, or a separate mode?
Well, I am really glad I asked this question because now I am definitely grabbing another two copies of Dying Light for Christmas!

I never played through the whajamacallit DLC, the one with the car/buggy, so that will be some new content to through for me too.
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