Co-op games

11 May 2010
Sorry if this has been asked before but I really couldn't find anything.

I'm looking for some good online co-op games to play which are for 2-5 people.

I've already been through the likes of Diablo 3, GTA V and a few more. I've also scoured google and the like but I was also hoping for some good suggestions off you good fellows :D

No limit on the type of game really. If its co-op or even something like Space Engineers, and its fun - then I'm interested.

Most games with co-op seem to be catered towards 4 people. And i can't think of many that i have personally played that has had more than 4 for co-op ( excluding open world servers like MMO's/GTA V )

That said here are a few crackers

Borderlands series ( 2 is best IMO ) Think this is up to 4 players

Dying light many people agree that the co-op is what made this game great solo is a bit bob though.

Divinity Original sin i loved.

Evolve is a combat arena 5v1 also very fun.

rainbow 6 siege is upcoming soon and 5v5 also looks good.

Payday 2 if your into technical / challenging heist style games.

can always list some more if you want :P but yeah there are hundreds of great ones out there. These are just some of the first that come to mind that i have played/beta tested.
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hear as some other examples, most are 4play some less some more :
left 4 dead 1 & 2
Magicka 1 & 2
Dungeon Defenders 1 & 2
Torchlight 2
Castle Crashers
a virus named tom
Planet Explorers - its still beta but may be worth a go
Monaco whats yours is mine
Sanctum 1 & 2
Serious Sam 3: BFE
Titan Quest
AI War Fleet comand
Trine - 3 player
Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator
Shoot Many Robots
minecraft + mod packs + variations
fractured space
team fortress 2
Worms armegedan
saints row
EVOLVA - 2000

you might find this helpfull :
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+1 Left for Dead 1/2 (linear FPS)
+1 Terraria (sandbox 2D building game)
+1 Payday 1/2 (heists FPS)
+1 Castle Crashes (2D action platformer)
+1 Fractured Space (space battle, 1 person per ship)
Guns of Icarus (airship battle, 4 people per ship)
Heroes and Generals (F2P WWII FPS with infantry, tanks and planes)
Depth (2 sharks vs 4 humans)
H1Z1 (open world zombie survival)
Arma 3 (co-op pve, pvp, multiple survival modes)

And my favorite:
America's Army: Proving Grounds (F2P FPS, 6v6 and 12v12, no microtransactions or perks, game is funded by Uncle Sam).
gears of war had co op but cant remember how many players

4 player co-op, best gaming experience I've ever had. (albeit on xbox360)

on a side note anyone know if it is still possible to buy the first gears of war for pc...does it still work and is there anything left of the online community?
Thanks for all the replies guys. I will most likely try most of them out at some point - especially with a steam sale coming up in June/July hopefully! Was quite a few you posted which I'd never even heard of!

can always list some more if you want :P but yeah there are hundreds of great ones out there. These are just some of the first that come to mind that i have played/beta tested.

Yes please. List as many as you deem worthy of being played :D
Killing Floor 2 allows teams of 6 people if your in to first person shooter games.

its in early access and i quite like it. i would have guessed the first killing floor would be the same in team sizes but ive not played the game
4 player co-op, best gaming experience I've ever had. (albeit on xbox360)

on a side note anyone know if it is still possible to buy the first gears of war for pc...does it still work and is there anything left of the online community?

The Xbox360 servers and game is still alive, decent community around still, mainly Annex though!

Think GoW on PC is dead, windows live may have been chopped for it.
Personally me and a friend LOVED Splinter Cell: Blacklist Co-op missions, can be quite challenging and very satisfying. Only 2 player though.
The Xbox360 servers and game is still alive, decent community around still, mainly Annex though!

Think GoW on PC is dead, windows live may have been chopped for it.

shame......guess i'll have to dig out the ole 360 then, as I have a real hankering for some GoW. I've said it in many threads before, but 19 x 1 minute rounds of Raven Down has to be the most fun I've ever had with my clothes on!
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