Co-operative black box car insurance

1 Jul 2009

So they completely monitor your driving ability including speed, acceleration speed and breaking to help reduce young drivers car insurance. Would be cool to check on the website how you rank as a driver though as you get to see the statistics yourself.

I did a quote and it came to an annual payment of £1,824.98!!!:D

How useless since I can just get it for £900 from Admiral. I guess it's only useful for people who get stupid quotes of £5000+.
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Not bad!? Not bad!? You think having a little box completely invade your privacy behind the wheel is 'Not bad'!?

I'd sooner get the bus, Nay, I'd sooner walk.

I was sayign not bad at the quote, I wouldnt have a gps tracker in my car even if the insurance was free. I might in my vitesse or astra but no way in the s14a :p
Some serious quotes in that article! But as it mentions, companies who aren't interested in the business of insuring a young male driver for example, will simply quote stupid to reflect this or not quote at all. If the young male doesn't take up the stupid quote its not really a loss for the insurance company as they didn't want the business in the first place. If they take the stupid quote then the company is massively quids in for a premium that doesn't actually reflect the risk.

@OP - I read this article the other day and apparently the quote has the potential to come down 15% (iirc) for good driving. On the flip side however it can also go up by the same amount too :s

Either way its a far cry from the quote you got at half the Black Box quote
Thought I'd have a crack at it seen as though I'm looking for insurance anyway as its due at the end of the month.
£1736! Ouch, plus don't think I'd feel comfortable with that box in my car.
Rubbish -

Your quote was declined for the following reason: Unacceptable due to upgraded sound system.

EDIT - just set that parameter as no upgrade and the quote was £424 with a total excess of £400. I'll stick with Elephant!
I did this and think it was 3 times what i was paying now.

Wouldnt trust the black box in the car, just hope one day they arnt standard and can issue penalties for speeding automatically or something equally as harsh.

I know speeding is bad but we all know roads we can safely go a tiny bit over the speed limit on when they are quiet.
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