Peeping Tom -- 5/5 -- They started out being introduced by Danny DeVito which got the crowd behind them right away (god knows why...) He's not that good an actor or comedian, anyway... PT's album I thought was going to be very hard to carry off live but within 30 seconds Mike Patton appeared dressed in body armour and was jumping around the stage like some demented hip-hop god. He worked the crowd and got them involved, clapping, singing and bouncing. By the third song in, (a song with a great metal riff), the place was on fire. Patton continued to work the crowd up for another few songs, by this time even the casual passers by were running into the tent to see what the fuss was. The backing band to PT also were the mutts, as a band they work so well together, best band of the friday for me. I had to leave to see..