Coating fans with anti-static plastic cleaner.

19 Jun 2009
I'm doing a new build and wondered how I could keep computer fans more resistant to dust and dirt. I've applied Antec Deep Clean Gel to all my computer fans except one of the bottom 180mm fans.

Over the next weeks i'll be monitoring how dust forms on the untreated fan compared to the treated ones, be interesting to see if coated fans stay cleaner for longer. Has anyone else ever done anything similar?

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Is this like a wax coating/sealant similar to what you'd put on a car to prevent some dirt sticking to it? Following!
It's designed for cleaning screens and plastics. When used on screens I've noticed screens stay cleaner for longer.

On my fans I've applied it quite thick and buffed it until it's set. The result is the fan blades now feels more shiny / slippy, the gel is buffed in so it's no longer fluid.

It's possible it does nothing, the fan's spinning could even remove it, but still be interesting to check dust levels in the next weeks.
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