Cobra Kai season 2

Like who?? It's got 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, 8.9/10 on IMDB and 72/100 on Metacritic (81/100 on the user scores). Everyone I've spoken to about it have unanimously said they've been pleasantly surprised.

Got about 4 or 5 episodes in, never finished it, was a little meh for me. :) Though I may have persisted, the wife wasn't fussed and as we dont have time to watched things individually we binned it.
i absolutely loved S1. They just got it right. Music / characters / Storyline... So did YT. I've been a premium member ever since... lol I hope they do as good of a job on S2. It's going to be a tall order though. So i think we all better drop our expectations a little.
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