COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Has anybody found out what happens if you shoot all the heads off of the mannequins in Nuketown yet? Heard it mentioned in the Gamespot video.
Haha, that's brilliant. Is that for real?
I wonder what the differences will be between PC / Xbox versions? I'm starting to feel like the XBOX can't make graphics any better, it really need upgrading. That's why i'm looking at upgrading my PC. I never noticed before, but now I just purchased a 50" TV, it becomes really noticable that it's not so brilliant.

My mate brings his xbox round sometimes and plugs in my 42" HD TV, it looks awful, and when they play it on my PC they're like zomg, the graphics are wow! Xbox is basically 5yr old PC lite ;)
Has anybody found out what happens if you shoot all the heads off of the mannequins in Nuketown yet? Heard it mentioned in the Gamespot video.

Didn't gamespot run a similar story with MW2 though last time round? They said something along the lines of if you shoot all of the chickens in the cages on Rundown you get some special unlock, they were just b$'n
WTF my game is unlocking now as i speak

guys who bought the retail version try it

restart steam
i warned you all before :P afew pages back

this happened with MW2 dont know why anyone will want to pay more and then have to wait longer as well
well mine is done but all the servers are empty

and its nice its got a FOV slider in the options
well im impressed they fixed a lot of stuff from MW2

simple stuff like being able to turn music off and change the fov

seems to be stuttering on my machine tho when it should be able to handle it easily
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