Because they don't want to admit they just forked out £30-40 for the same game they've been playing the last couple of years just worse?
MOH 2 is out already???
I have said before,the more people buy rubbish the less they can complain about ports etc,
MW2 is the biggest selling game of all time but remains an overall flop on pc MP wise, even the boycott mob buckled days after release
MOH will be dead now that this is out, long term will go down as a flop cause it had no real lifespan
BC2 died when MOH came out, had a good run and IMO still the best shooter out there, needs maps and SDK
And COD:BO will rule until BC2:vietnam comes out
But we buy anyway so why should the devs care
Ohh how I await thee BF3 saviour....................yeah right
Still i bought this, skipped MOH and got BC2:V for £6.39
What you buy is what your stuck with in the current pc gaming climate