CoD (Original) Worth playing online?

29 Dec 2003
Newcastle upon Tyne
I went to pick up Quake 4 yesterday from Game and they had a 2 for £15 promotion on, so I picked up Q4 and the original CoD as nothing else took my fancy! I will play through the single player of CoD but I was wondering if it was still worth playing online or has CoD2 took over?

If it is worth it, what patches will I need?


I've been playing COD2 a lot and having never played COD1 i felt that i should get it (i got that and the expansion pack for £10 ;)). I'm playing through the SP right now and i'll probably be playing online as it's meant to be better than COD2 online.
I prefer CoD online to CoD2, although CoD:UO I find more fun than both... It's definitely worth playing.
I'd definately recommend it, Team Deathmatch is a bit of a merry-go-round but it's fun

The expansion pack offers the best multiplayer experience in the series in my opinion
Yes, it's awesome, although some of the dynamic lights are a big screwy from weapon blasts and show through walls. COD2 DX7 doesn't have them.
COD online is, imo, a hell of a lot better than COD2 online. My clan is kinda fractured at the minute due to this.
Spend about 1 1/2 years playing CoD from the day it was released. :)

Had great support from the devs (regular map updates etc) and never really suffered from cheaters due to PB.

IMO, the expansion ruined the and stole the players from CoD. The smoke nades were totally inappropriate and were so overused it was untrue. Granted the new maps were ok, but the vehicles never really took off (tried to be too much like BF1942 in that respect). ;)

The new weapons were a nice addition for most, but still didnt feel like they served a purpose. (even more so in CoD2 - what is the point of shotguns? :o )

However, the SP portion is fantastic and is a great adddon to the best WW2 FPS to date. :)
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