CoD2 and CoD2: Big Red One...

18 Dec 2004
Looked about a bit but can't get answers to these questions:

What's the difference? Which is better? Is BRO an expansion?

Many thanks. I'm thinking about buying CoD2 tomorrow so just wanted to make sure I got the right one. Getting bored of DoD:S now.
I think Big Red One is for the PS2 and Xbox i think? The normal one is only for 360 and PC AFAIK
benjo1989 said:
I think Big Red One is for the PS2 and Xbox i think? The normal one is only for 360 and PC AFAIK why can't someone just simply put that? Why change the name for the PS2/Xbox version? :rolleyes: Thanks :) :o

I probably want it on my PC so CoD2 it is then. Not buying any more PS2 games till PS3 :D.
I believe it's a totally different game, CoD2: Big Red One is not CoD2. CoD2 is PC+360, BRO Xbox/PS2.
Scythe said:
IIRC on BRO you are the french on some parts, where as you are not in COD2.

What do you do in those missions?

Bend over and let the Germans take you roughly from behind? :p
Quick corporal Jaque, get the silver coffee service out, open the cafe and grab the bread the Germans are here!

COD2 on PC your a russian for first 3rd of game fighting in starlingrad, Brit in 2nd part of game fighting in Egypt, Yank in third part fighting in (ohmaha beach again from mohaa, yey) and in Germany Berlin.
richard1973 said:

COD2 on PC your a russian for first 3rd of game fighting in starlingrad, Brit in 2nd part of game fighting in Egypt, Yank in third part fighting in (ohmaha beach again from mohaa, yey) and in Germany Berlin.

I completed the game over-night and i can't remember there being any omaha beach? :confused:
I remember a beach with a cliff face you have to climb, but i was too busy dodging bullets to ask the life guard which beach it was :P
Goksly said:
I remember a beach with a cliff face you have to climb, but i was too busy dodging bullets to ask the life guard which beach it was :P

It wouldn't have been omaha because in the misson you were the british :)
It would have been Sword or Gold beach if you were British.

If you were American it would have been Utah.

If you were Canadian it would have been Juno.


Hooray for MOHAA history briefings. :D
am pretty certain it was ohmaha, as when the mission came up I though 'oh mohaa again' It started the same, i.e. you got off the boat but unlike mohaa where it was a mad struggle to get through the beach, in this one you kinda scuttled off to nearby cliffs with no hassle then climbed the rope. Am sure it was part of the american campaign? I maybe wrong it was about 6 weeks ago I played it.
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