COD2 Help Req



Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England
Hi all.
Been playing a bit of COD2 recently as i seem to have lost my buzz for BF2.
Enjoying a bit of instant kill action without it effecting my Global. :rolleyes:
Anyways when i exit a server that has switched to say headquarters i am then stuck on headquarters and cannot select TDM again. Whats that all about then.
Also on my initial splash screen i have a name of a server and i.p. addy there.
I have to exit the game and reconnect for it to go back to TDM option.
Have i made sence there. :o
So in my server list i cannot switch back to TDM although it does say i have selected TDM when i join the server its a HQ or S&D.
And where there are the options screen on the left i have a server name and i.p.

How do i get rid and sort this out.
Thanks for all help and suggestions.

Also who else here is playing COD2. I did a quick search and was surprised to see no thread etc.
i dunno about the server thing, but if you look around in the COD2 folders you should see a folder with the same name as that clan, just delete that and it should get rid of the splash screen
I'm not sure that this is your problem but when in the server browser there is the option near the top for which game type you want to view. Is this the option you are talking about?
I know that when you do what you said above the option will have changed to the game type you just came out of S&D, so change it back to TDM! or are you saying you can't do this?

There are quite a few people on here that play the game, it doesn't get much talk about it now as it's been out for a while.
There is however a thread about the recent patch.
Have tried reselecting it at the top bit but although it says i have chosen TDM when i join the server its not TDM.
Delete all the folders with "clan" or "mod" in the name.

Also, go into the Main folder and delete all the zzzzz_* files as these are also downloaded mods. Then have a go. Hopefully might just be a bad mod affecting it so deleting it will make it work.
Has this become a problem since the patch was released? and does it only happen on servers that are now PB enabled?

Check that you don't have the servers filtered in any way.
Thanks mates.
Yes it has become a problem since the patch come to think of it.
I deleted those mod folders and got rid of the clan name on my splash screen.
When i restart all is well and i must say i am really enjoying thrashing about COD style once again.
malc30 said:
i must say i am really enjoying thrashing about COD style once again.

its a great change from BF2 isnt it.
BF2 has began to feel like a job/chore to me. but COD2/UO is just a blast where i can relax and not care about points.
BF2 has certainly had a massive impact on the way i play onlince FPS's now :D
fullfat said:
BF2 has certainly had a massive impact on the way i play onlince FPS's now :D

You appreciate the fun factor more? I know I do. Played less BF2 recently and trying several others games, and over the weekend ordered CoD2 so looking forward to that one.
Think carefully as to whether you update and install the 1.2 patch that has just been released. There are still many servers that have chosen not to or, returned back to version 1.0 because of the bug's. Some of the bug's effect the player individually and some effect just the server's.

:mad: :mad:
Ah the patch ***** up most things in the game(they even managed to break the score counters in the top left for tdm and hq :/) :p

Still 1.2 is worth it because there is Harbor, the only russian map which is balanced evenly (allies v axis) as opposed to the russians trouncing germans every round 450 -40 on Hq due to PPSH team wipeouts :p

Rhine isn't so good though... the shadows are intensely messed up (your model goes pitch black in places along directly lit by sun roads). Only kick I've seen in pb is for an invalid character in nick.

I'd be tempted to stick with the patch though, despite the problems as there are advantages despite the horrendous mess ups it introduces :p Lots of servers seem to be updating to it now, so it's probably worth it, also 1.2 servers don't have the red crosshair when you mouseover an enemy on the mg42.
To the OP

Have you ever used XFire to connect to servers? It's much easier than using the in-built server list in COD2.

When you have the splash screen problem, go into the COD2 directory and delete all folders except 'main, miles, Docs, pb and mods' then go into the main folder and delete all files apart from 'iw_00.iwd' to 'iw_15.iwd' and 'localized_english_iw00.iwd' to 'localized_english_iw11.iwd'. This should also solve problems where you connect to a server and just get a blank screen.

Does anybody else have real difficulty connecting to servers running the new patch? Some servers the 'Awaiting connection' timer goes past 30 without doing anything :(
Cheers mark1.
Precise details was what i was looking for before deleting files in Main.
Have cleared up most of them now and will go to main with your post in my head.
Whats the security risk if any with this dodgey mod downloading BS. These files are being chucked in my system by any little dodgey modder WTF is that about then.
I know there is an option to Not allow downloads but does this stop all the other files being downloaded or just the mod ones.
Either i am missing something here or this seems well insecure.

Concerning xfire.
I have used it in the past but not for ages. I will reload and try it. Need some COD2 players on my list if anyones feeling sociable.
I will post my xfire name when i can remember it. :p
malc30 said:
Cheers mark1.
Precise details was what i was looking for before deleting files in Main.
Have cleared up most of them now and will go to main with your post in my head.
Whats the security risk if any with this dodgey mod downloading BS. These files are being chucked in my system by any little dodgey modder WTF is that about then.
I know there is an option to Not allow downloads but does this stop all the other files being downloaded or just the mod ones.
Either i am missing something here or this seems well insecure.

Concerning xfire.
I have used it in the past but not for ages. I will reload and try it. Need some COD2 players on my list if anyones feeling sociable.
I will post my xfire name when i can remember it. :p
No problem ;)

I think not allowing downloads will only stop mods from being downloaded....i'll have a look around and see if i can find anything.

My XFire name is 'markwhiten' :)
mark1 said:
To the OP

Have you ever used XFire to connect to servers? It's much easier than using the in-built server list in COD2.

When you have the splash screen problem, go into the COD2 directory and delete all folders except 'main, miles, Docs, pb and mods' then go into the main folder and delete all files apart from 'iw_00.iwd' to 'iw_15.iwd' and 'localized_english_iw00.iwd' to 'localized_english_iw11.iwd'. This should also solve problems where you connect to a server and just get a blank screen.

Does anybody else have real difficulty connecting to servers running the new patch? Some servers the 'Awaiting connection' timer goes past 30 without doing anything :(

If you can't connect to any servers whatsoever, you need to uninstall, delete everything left in the directory, reinstall game, reinstall patch.

I had to do it :/

All seeing eye is much better than Xfire for servers unless you just need a few favourites to load up quickly. The searching isn't as good.

Mine used to got up to ~20 then connect. Recently it's been fine. I think it was something to do with pb that evenbalance corrected.

my xfire is ge0s.
georges said:
If you can't connect to any servers whatsoever, you need to uninstall, delete everything left in the directory, reinstall game, reinstall patch.

I had to do it :/

All seeing eye is much better than Xfire for servers unless you just need a few favourites to load up quickly. The searching isn't as good.

Mine used to got up to ~20 then connect. Recently it's been fine. I think it was something to do with pb that evenbalance corrected.

my xfire is ge0s.
I can connect to some servers. So you think reinstalling it all will work?

Sorry for the thread hijack
Any COD2 talk is welcomed mate. This is my current fps and am in the need to know all mode. :D
sultanauk is my xfire name BTW.

If you do not want to connect to servers with mods then, select the filter servers and change the mods option to no, that way only servers without mods will be displayed.
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