Code Editors

18 Oct 2002
I used to use a program, back in the day, it was nice and simple with line numbers and a small code library but i cant remember what its called.

I thought it was cool edit but turns out thats audio software but im pretty sure its something like cool edit.

Anyone got any ideas? Or any suggestions to other programs.

All i want is a simple editor which can do html or asp etc...
Sp00n said:
I used to use a program, back in the day, it was nice and simple with line numbers and a small code library but i cant remember what its called.

I thought it was cool edit but turns out thats audio software but im pretty sure its something like cool edit.

Anyone got any ideas? Or any suggestions to other programs.

All i want is a simple editor which can do html or asp etc...

Sounds a bit like Cute HTML, that was handy for code editting back in the day.
There's a large selection of editors listed under 'Text/Code Editors and IDEs' in one of the stickies at the top. My preferred editor is SciTE, but there are many other popular applications.
At the moment I just use Dreamweaver MX as a code editor and for it's FTP stuff, but in the past have used PHP Editor 2005, CoolEdit and an editor under Ubuntu that I can't remember the name of :p
I've been using Notepad++ recently, it's a quick and friendly improvement on Notepad (not that there's anything wrong with Notepad).
riddlermarc said:
(not that there's anything wrong with Notepad).
The only thing that's right with Notepad is that it's lightweight and fast to use :D.

Peculiar unicode support (auto-inserting of the BOM in UTF-8), lack of unix linebreak support, no multi-undo, nothing to aid coding standards (e.g. 80 character line-length, auto-indenting, tab-sizing), no search-and-replace, no syntax support options (e.g. lint checking, highlighting)...

Notepad's a nice text editor, but an incredibly inept code editor as far as I am concerned.

Incidentally Notepad++ is based on Scintilla, just as SciTE is, but is only available for Windows so something to consider if you're frequently jumping between platforms.
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I use vim (Vi IMproved) for pretty much everything, fantastic syntax hilighting for pretty much every language under the sun, great auto indenting support (language sensitive), function auto completion, powerful regex based find / replace, standard stuff like line numbering and folding etc. FTP, CVS and Subversion support, its own scripting language that lets you do all kinds of powerful stuff if you want. No complicated gui, everything is but a couple of keypresses away. The great thing is, nothing is there unless you want it, it doesn't try to force you to do things it's way, it lets you do what you want how you want to. Of course there's a bit of a steep learning curve (often called a learning right-angle) but once you get used to it it'll be the fastest editor you've ever used.

Oh and it supports most platforms as well, including Windows.
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