Code Questions

8 Aug 2011
As I am very basic at code can people give me the code to the following tasks in terminal

Change The Desktop Background
Display A Message
Run A Programme

(In that order)

I am running the GNOME version of OpenSUSE

You need to be more specific if you want specific answers:

Change The Desktop Background
Not sure about this as I'm not using Gnome 3 at the moment but a quick google search leads to the following suggestion:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri file:///$PATH_TO_FILE

It's worth noting that there are lots of ways to change the background and these will vary depending on what window manager you are using.

Display A Message
Not sure what you're after - as in a dialogue box?

Run A Programme
Type in the name of a programme you have installed, into the terminal. If the programme is executable and in a ../bin folder the os should find it without needing a full path, in which case you can press tab to autocomplete. You can use control+z to suspend the program and the 'jobs' command with 'fg [job number]' or 'bg [job number]' to resume the programme.
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Look up Zenity. There will be lots of tools that can display messages though.

Install Zenity and type something like zenity --info --text="my message bla" in a terminal.

To find out more options type zenity --help or read the man page

All this information is readily available online.

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