Code(s) to learn?

19 Jan 2005
I'm looking to widen my skillset a little bit for work, I think if I had a decent grasp of one or 2 languages used in web design I could really get a lot of mileage out of it.

I'm looking for a new job at the minute and my pay level isn't that great but from what I can tell from the ads and the recruiters I've been speaking to I could add a significant chunk to potential earnings, talking like up to £10k extra a year.

I'm not new to coding but am definitely no expert in any language, I've never got stuck with VB in Excel doing whatever I want (even if the code is a bit clunky and ugly) and I could build an exceptionally basic website in simple HTML.

I don't know too much more than that and I'd like to give the most basic overview of what I can do so anyone can advise me.

I was thinking either HTML5 or PHP or something like jquery mobile, what do people think? I'm going for web content management roles and a lot of these companies like to use little custom animations etc and be present across mobile platforms.

I know enough about coding to know that it's not going to be a case of reading about it on WikiP or doing an intro weekend in a Hilton lobby but if anyone has any recommendations about what to learn and how to go about it in my spare time I'd proper appreciate it.

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