I guess there is bound to be a lag with this sort of stuff - plenty of coffee available in my local shops right now but it looks like it might be worth getting a few extra jars in now as the price is quite likely to rise a bit and/or the coffee replaced with robusta.
The world is facing a desperate shortfall of arabica coffee, the variety that gives the smoothest flavor and makes up about 60% of world production. Supplies were decimated after extreme weather destroyed crops, and with a La Nina pattern forecast through early 2022 expected to further hurt yields, it could take years for the market to recover. Arabica prices are surging to reflect the mounting crisis, while global shipping congestion is making it even harder to get beans where they are needed.
I guess there is bound to be a lag with this sort of stuff - plenty of coffee available in my local shops right now but it looks like it might be worth getting a few extra jars in now as the price is quite likely to rise a bit and/or the coffee replaced with robusta.