COJ Gunslinger

24 Dec 2005
What a great game for 2.50! I love the it! Its so nice for it to be what it is and not be ashamed of it...A linear shooter thats massive fun!:D

Anyone else pick it up this weekend...?
Just for the xbox isn't it.

I would love for a really good open world western themed game to come to the pc. Would be a great day that, but doesn't look like anyone is interested in making one. :(
No I don't have any consoles now, but I would have picked it up for sure if I had.
I was getting mixed up with Red Dead Redemption, that's open world I think. :o

I liked the look of Red Dead, but they didn't put it on pc.:(
Played the original on ps3, very fun game, never tried it on pc, being so arcadey methinks itd still be a controller job.

I like to think of it as a respectable cod wild wild west edition
Even at that price its worth a pop had a blast with this game when it first came out & have gone back to it many times to take on the challenge mode.
It's on rails. But I enjoyed what I did play of it. Uninstalled to make room for other stuff after only the 2nd or 3rd duel. Might go back to it because it is what it is and isn't ashamed of it!

I also got mine in a steam sale ages ago, but I can't remember how much. Likely less than a fiver though.
I just got around to playing through it recently.

It's a fun shooter, bish bash bosh, it knows what it is and does it nicely.
Played the original on ps3, very fun game, never tried it on pc, being so arcadey methinks itd still be a controller job.

I like to think of it as a respectable cod wild wild west edition

Found it suited mouse and keyboard very well. I always prefer M&KB in games where rapid aiming and strafing movement is important and I can't imagine it not being a bit more clunky with a controller.

I enjoyed this too. Simple, repetitive, but nicely paced, well-made and really really fun.
Got this for £9 not long after it came out and thought it was a great game, so for £2.50 it's a bargain lol. Might give it another play through after seeing this thread. :D
Tear hair out............:eek:

Is it open world, or very linear ?

Find the video from Angry Joe on Youtube, he plays through the first few stages of COJ and shows what he game is about. It's great fun don't be put off by it's linear gameplay (I don't know why people get so caught up by how linear or non linear a game is) but it does have RPG elements to mix up the gameplay.
Haven't played COJ gunslinger but everyone should definitely check out Call of Juarez 2: Bound in Blood. Awesome game and perhaps the only good wild west game in recent years.
A truly brilliant fps, the gun play is second to none and the overall game is superb (even if it is linear).

If you ever find it cheap just buy it !! I have played the other two and imo Gunslinger is far far superior.
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