Cold Boot issue after a year.

18 Oct 2002
The Darkside
A chap called me up to say his system is showing signs of the cold boot issue in the mornings. Some BIOS message related to the CPU or something and he has to reboot the computer a few times for the system to work again.

He has had the system for a year now without problems and this has started to happen now this past week or so.

What's the reason for this so called cold boot issue and does one have any suggestions for a cure?
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I would suspect the PSU is on the way out, I had an issue with my old antec psu where if the pc was off for a while it wouldn't power everything up in time so you needed a couple of boots
Its an Enermax 340w in their system.

I wonder if there is another way to be definate without the hassle of testing another PSU in it.
i'm having this very problem with my PC. it bluescreens on startup, repeatedly, for the first 5-10 mins after i turn it on. After that it's Okay.

To be honest i've just ordered a new CPU and i'm gonna order new motherboard/graphics card tomorrow (probably from here) as i'm sick of it.

I never considered it might be the PSU, a bit Concerned now actually - i'll test tomorrow with a spare PSU!

Btw I believe(d) it's the motherboard ... mine's a DFI Lanparty NF3-250
My PSU is an antec neopower 480w.

Both are about 18 months old, i think.
The only give away on my psu that is was a bit dodgy was that when I tried to whack up the vcore it started to flucuate madly (though it was fine at the default voltage so everything appeared ok)

The next thing I knew was it made a very big bang at 7am in the morning - didn't take any parts out though

So in short I'm not sure how you could be sure without checking the PSU quickly

p.s. PSU is always the thing that I consider first as it is nearly always the component that has let go for me
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