cold food

11 Feb 2004
what foods are you happy to eat cold?

I prefer Quiche cold rather than hot for example.
I like Pizza hot but its even better cold the next day out the fridge

for me i feel i can taste the food better when it's cold.
I can quite happily eat a tin of beans cold or even rice pudding.

What food do you guys prefer cold ?
Can pretty much eat everything cold, even dodgy takeaways left out all night..
Lasagna has to be one of the great cold foods as does chili.

How could I forget Yorkshire puddings witha bit of honey/golden syrup/jam on them.thats why you try and cook like 6 yorkshires per person.
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Chips, but not completely cold. My mum has a habit of leaving the best chips (the small crispy ones) on the pan when they have dinner and I'm sure they're way better than the ones on their plate.
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