Colleagues who rub you the wrong way

26 Jan 2005
Hi all,

I expect we’ve all had it though the years, you start a new job, or someone joins a team, you get on well with the vast majority but then you typically encounter one (and hopefully only one) who... well, just really rubs you up the wrong way and agitates you, perhaps purposefully, or unconsciously.

I’d be interested to hear what people’s coping mechanisms are?

I tend to just try and be the ‘better man’ and not rise to the baiting and strange criticisms, but having to work directly with my current irritant, I’m struggling to bite my tongue for the first time in a few years! Particularly when the person is not very good at their job too.

So what stories do you have? :)
Boxing stance tbh
Does this work over conference calls? :D

I work with a guy that rubs everyone up the wrong way. He doesn't mean anything by it, I think he just thinks and works completely different to everyone else. The kinda guy that will phone you whilst looking at you through a window on a door he could easily open and talk to you.
That’s the thing with my particular person, I’m not sure if they’re even aware that they come across as confrontational, nit picky and so forth either!
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