Colour calibration advice Spyder3/ DisplayCal

6 Jun 2005
Plymouth / Cambridge

i have managed to get hold of a Spyder3Elite for a short time. i've never been 100% happy with the colour profile of my old NEC 24WMGX3 so want to try and get it perfect or close too for better artwork. i have set it all up and ran the Calibration with DisplayCAL3 the results are better but i am wondering what settings to set this to before i do another the calibration run. the Displaycal software makes you adjust it to 100 brightness, i understand why but using it at this level afterwards is dazzling and i wont be doing that.

the other options on the monitor setting are for standard -1 standard - 2, TEXT, sRGB, Photo, Game-1 Game-2 and Movie. from the looks of it the standard -2 or the sRGB seem the best but i am not sure which to set it too. i originally Reset the monitor to its factory settings and that defaults to the Standard - 1 setting + Nuclear brightness

there is also the consideration of the Nvidia graphic card colour settings. presently i have it set "other applications and control colour settings" but should i set it to "Use Nvidia settings" before i calibrate.

sorry to ask so many questions but im trying to get it correct and any advice from more knowledgeable or experienced people would be very helpful.

Cheers and thanks for your help :)

i have watched a few more videos online now, but DisplayCal didn't really say to set the brightness at any level. @eggcup a guy on You tube said it should be about 147cd/m so i set it to that. i could give 120 ago. it does still looks a bit bright and my contrast ratio was quite low when running a verification . colours are way better though. thanks for the reply.
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it is, not bad for a 5 year old monitor but so far i'm having real issues with DisplayCal the monitor is down for 1000:1 contrast ratio and so far once i do the verification when the calibration is done it says its at 374.5:1 so im not even getting half the contrast ratio i should do. thought this thing was going to be easier than i have experienced. i'm temped to just reset it all and eye ball it or install the proper spyder3elite software and give that ago, heard is a pile to rubbish though so went straight to DisplayCAl.
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right i am giving up, trying to install the SPyder 3 elite software and all i'm getting is "spyder3elite software not installing sorry, but no sensor spyder3.cpp 137". what a pile of garbage, least DisplayCAL worked some what.

think im just going to eyeball it.
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