Combined NAS, Media PC help required

30 Sep 2003
Not so Sunny Dundee
Hi all,

I currently have an aging NAS and an even older Windows Media PC (12+ years) both are needing to be replaced as they are noisy even after cleaning out and starting to get very slow in general usage.

I'm looking at a 3U rack case to go in my network rack but beyond that I need a some advice, I'm sure there is plenty I've not thought about as I'm just starting down this path and DIY NAS systems are a bit of mystery.

Usage requirements (to replace the current systems) -

1. NAS for storing family documents, TV shows, Movies, Music, Photos and TV Recordings. Only family documents and Photo's need to be backed up - this will go to the NAS which I will repurpose as a backup drive.
2. Next PVR Server - this handles 4 live TV feeds into a TBS6984 PCI-E satellite card and distributes to various PC's and mobile devices and records live TV to the NAS
3. Headless Kodi for centralised SQL Database updates
4. No transcoding is needed


1. Considering the above usage requirements what OS/NAS system (FreeNAS etc) should I look at?
2. Hardware, this will run headless so only needs built in graphics for initial setup afterwards I will connect remotely into the box, but what hardware should I be looking at, I don't need mind blowing performance so budget options or 2nd hand is fine.

Thanks @Cookie12, I looked into plex a few years ago and discounted as it didn’t support satellite cards, I checked again and incredibly it still doesn’t. I’ll take a look into the 8100.

regarding os/and software I don’t believe windows really offers the level of NAS features I need but obviously does allow me to use a lot of the software running on my media pc but I guess I could run windows 10 in a docker to get around this. But this is something I don’t really know where to start with.

Perhaps the best way is to start with the NAS software, with docker support?
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