Come on MGP...

18 Oct 2002
Colne.... Up Norf.
Try and keep up buddy, ive lost you on my EOC graphs now youve fallen so far behind whilst ive been stomping slackers. :p :p

Your output is steadily increasing whereas mine has flattened off and I expect a 3000PPD average to be my limit.

If you carry on as you are youll pass me soon into the new year, whilst fighting for 30th position.
I had a few bad WUs last night, thats one of the major problems with running a BETA client and WU, if a WU runs to 90% and then falls over you get nothing, I suppose this could be why they are awarded quite high points, to offset the bad WUS.
The benefit though is that once the WUs go into general circulation they should be hopefully stable.
Ive got a pair just like the bottom rights ones..... erm...

I look forwards to resuming the battle into the new year, dont leave it too long though, as soon as Apple release the new Macpro I will be uping my output again... with it hopefully having 2x Quad 2.66ghz processors it will likely double.
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