'Comedy' ties - opinions?

17 Oct 2002
A lass at work gave me a 'comedy' Dilbert tie this morning. She thought I would like it, and whilst I do find Dilbert stuff funny, I don't really like these style of ties. Will normally only wear a plain coloured silk one.

Rather than offending her I just laughed about it and told her it was really cool, and that I would wear it when I was in a silly mood.

Anyone got any opinions on people who wear stuff like this. Cool or Tool?
As I thought, tool :p

Was never going to wear it, just wanted to make sure I wasnt the only one who thought this.

Funnily enough I have had the Fast Show guy pictured above in my head since she gave it me this morning :o
bradbcam said:
But you know you'll have to wear it atleast once.

Nope, its going in the back of the wardrobe as soon as I get home.

Not going to shred it in case she ever asks about in in the future :p
wyrdo said:
Why is a lass at work giving you a tie? Does she want you to tie her up with it maybe?


Nah, just a good friend. She probably saw it and what with me working in an IT role she thought it would be appropriate/funny.
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