Coming back to MM gaming!

3 Mar 2003
I am finally getting back on broadband. What are the new MMORPGS like? Dungeons and dragons, RF and guild wars? Is WOW any more interesting (compared to 10 months ago)?

Anything I have missed out on?
Oh no not EVE.

I spent 10 hours one day mining!! I don't want to do that ever ever ever again! Addictive - yeah. Something I want to do for the next few months - no!

I played WOW for 7 months or so. Got bored, quit. Maybe there isn't anything out there for me at the moment then... Actually I could get back into WOW and actually enjoy it if I met the right people.

Walks off mumbling something about noob gankers and epic armor...
Played 2 months on PVP - got bored of the ganking. Spent 5 months on a pve server but got bored wanting to PVP lol!

Then the honor system came out. Was amazing for the first few weeks - then battlegrounds came out and my PVP time was turned into a CTF snore fest.
uk_viper said:
Well there is the upcoming star trek mmog, hopefully that wont be a fall

I can see it now.

Sir we have a noob ensign.

Oi noob dont blow us up or anything! We need to do this mission for our ranks!

Noob sets warp 10 into a black hole.


Sounds like fun.
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