After a extended break away from running Linux due to work I am now thinking of moving back. The last install I had on my rig was Gentoo but as I recall this took and age to setup and tweak.
A couple of quick questions:
I need an install that is going to work outta the box, obviously it will need tweaking around and as time allows I may go back to a Gentoo type install. What are the best at the moment. I see Mint and Ubuntu mentioned a lot.
Are there still issues with ATI graphics cards and Linux?
Has there been many other big changes in the last 3 years that may jump up and bite me in the (well you know what!).
A couple of quick questions:
I need an install that is going to work outta the box, obviously it will need tweaking around and as time allows I may go back to a Gentoo type install. What are the best at the moment. I see Mint and Ubuntu mentioned a lot.
Are there still issues with ATI graphics cards and Linux?
Has there been many other big changes in the last 3 years that may jump up and bite me in the (well you know what!).