Command & Conquer Generals - Ships

18 Oct 2002
Liverpool, England
I bought Command & Conquer Generals and Zero Hour for very little money.

But I am a little dissapointed. On pictures and on the cut scenes you sea battle ships and aircraft carriers and I thought that was cool. But you can not actually use them in the game, or have I missed something?
You can in the single player, also some mods allow for naval battles. But Ofc, its heavily USA orientated, so the other armies don't get much.
I think you have to capture buildings for it. I played Zero Hour the other day, didn't think much of it. I love playing normal Generals money maps but you're not allowed to play ranked on custom maps in ZH.
When can you use boats in Generals or ZH??

Theres a ferry you can use and im sure you can call airstrikes from a ship but you cant actually control one!
If I remember correctly there is one USA mission in single player where you can use the aircraft carrier to launch airstrikes and use it's cannons to bombard the GLA.

But that's it...
I think it’s a bit misleading. They should only include playable units in cut scenes and images. I think the front cover of the separate Zero Hour box has a aircraft carrier on the front cover.

I prefer playing the skirmish games then doing the single player proper game :)

I just realised that my title is a bit misleading. It sounds like its a new title that has just shipped :D
derfderfley said:
Did they add TCP/IP support to C&C and Red Alert ?

Where did that come from??

He is talking about Generals and Zero hour not having ships in and being misleading on the packaging.

I take it your asking about the C&C compilation pack??
MNuTz said:
Where did that come from??

He is talking about Generals and Zero hour not having ships in and being misleading on the packaging.

I take it your asking about the C&C compilation pack??

Yup, wrong thread <hangs head in shame>
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