command modern air naval operations

6 Nov 2011
Anyone tried this or even heard of it? Saw it reduced on steam but even with the discount it was still £50 I think.

Looks like a basic graphic engine which makes me think there must something special going on if they are charging a high price.
If you give it some time it's a very rewarding game. I played a lot of Harpoon, we started on the pen and paper version, and we all found it a painless transition.

A quick google suggests there is a MP mod available. Have you tried it? Would like to get a gaming buddy involved as I think it maybe more enjoyable to learn with someone rather than solo.

Found DCS a lot more accessible with a buddy giving tips over TS etc
Yep that youtube chap I linked above it's his thing. Here:

If you do as I said and play UK or US then you really need to do the following and you won't got too far wrong:

Carriers and the bulk of the close air defence eg for the US Aegis capable cruisers at the centre - then run some anti-air and anti-sub ships as pickets at say 2 and 4 o'clock presuming you are moving from W to E (I run with them about 20-30km ahead), with a picket behind (20km) - all the way infront (100km+) I use an attack sub. All sensors need to be passive until you are actively prosecuting a target. You should scout with your air for the US Hawkeye. An enemy on approaching your group should only really see the airborne early warning places up - they are the eyes for everything above the waves, when you pick up something below the waves you can prosecute it with helicopters etc. You need to keep up a fighter patrol over the centre and ahead and another group on ready 5 to again prosecute new contacts that way you can attack any inbounds with quickly.

Play it like poker don't reveal your hand too soon (ie makeup and location) and most of the relies on not making your sensors active - naturally if you think an attack sub is 10km away and running your way ping the water with every sonar you have!

If you were attacking such a group then you have to attack radially eg I would split my planes to attack from N, S, E, W so all the missiles arrive the same time to overwhelm the Aegis systems. If you can get an attack sub in then it may be better in such a case to remove the pickets and the Aegis cruisers than going for the carrier straight off.

Hmmmm sounds very straightforward:eek:
Well it's as complicated as you want to make it. If however you want to make it complicated then this book is ok. I've marked the part on convergence zones which are kind of important to get the hang of and at least understand how they happen so you understand what is meant by "the layer" convergence zones&f=false

I look forward to trying to learn some of the systems and will no doubt hassle you for further questions.

Currently reading this book which seems to tie in quite neatly with the content.
Got it on the last sale but never got to grips with it. First mission/tutorial seems to run quite badly.

I know this is not a GFX game by any stretch of the imagination but it seems like the units movement is very jerky.

I'm not sure if its intentional or there is an issue with my machine.

Have rediscovered my love for Wargame though, playing Airland in Co-op is great :)
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