Commodore 2000k found in attic

3 Apr 2024
Bristol UK
Hi all,

Just joined here so hopefully you all can help/advise

So digging around in the attic of our new house I found a boxed Commodore 2000k with 4 controllers and the instructions

I had a quick Google of them and there isn't a whole lot of info about them!

I wanted to see if it still works so thought I would check here first if there is anything I should do before powering it up as I have no idea how long it's been up there for!

Also any idea on what these things might be worth?? (I don't want to start digging around in it trying to get it to work if it's actually valuable )

Cheers in advance!
Thanks for the info guys,

The reason I thought I would check about powering on 1st is I have had a few pinball machine projects before amd have had issues blowing up parts when plugged in for the first time

I am away this weekend so won't get anytime to look at it but I might just try to open it up/check how it looks then power it up (the battery compartment looks fresh as new luckily wasn't stored with old batteries)

Am I right in thinking that if it powers on and I plug the RF connector into a modern TV and scan for analogue signal it should find a picture on a channel??
So I put some batteries in it plugged into a old TV and turned it on and it worked perfectly all speakers work as do all 4 controllers!! All the games seem to work but I don't think the duck hunt works without the light gun sadly that accessory wasn't with it. The football appears to be pong but green background

I have some pictures but struggling to get them to link not sure if the link below will work

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