Communting bike Hyosung?

7 Feb 2004
Hi there

Looking at getting a communting bike to work and saw one on the bay advertised for new for £725 which is a Hyosung make. Sounds cheap and looks quite nice. So whats wrong with it? lol

Its only a 5mile commute but the roads are pretty scary for bicycles but I am not ruling that out. But for that price I would happily take my CBT and commute for a year or so before stepping up.

Any advice guys. Thanks
You get what you pay for with bikes - you really need to check it out first and make sure it's kosher.

The copy bikes are an excellent way to get into biking - I did my CBT last Nov and bought a Sym XS-125-K, which came with all the trimmings, on the road for £1600, so 725 doesn;t sound unreasonable. The running costs for bikes are very low - but they need servicing much more regularly for the same mileage than a car. Beyond that I couldn;t recommend them more. Bike parking is usually free too!

Approximate costs:
£15 tax
£14 for a full tank of petrol - @ 90+mpg = 250 miles!
No paying for parking

My other thoughts....

1. When it rains - you get wet and cold. Always have a change of clothes at your destination.
2. Buy biking waterproofs that fit. don;t just buy cheapest off ebay.
3. ALWAYS buy your helmet new. That way you know it's not already been "used" and will afford you the protection you need.
4. Pannier boxes are a god send.
5. Buy a LONG, strong chain. The cheap ones are too short to do anything with.
6. Bike's rust. Cover them up at every opportunity.

Other than that, get yourself booked on a CBT and just do it! You'll not look back!
Hi there

Looking at getting a communting bike to work and saw one on the bay advertised for new for £725 which is a Hyosung make. Sounds cheap and looks quite nice. So whats wrong with it? lol

Its only a 5mile commute but the roads are pretty scary for bicycles but I am not ruling that out. But for that price I would happily take my CBT and commute for a year or so before stepping up.

Any advice guys. Thanks

Incidentally, there's probably nothing wrong with the bike. Copy bikes are a s cheap as chips and don;t hold their value. Bike probably cost about the same as mine (£1600) new!
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I've heard good things about Sym bikes from a couple of bike shop owners, in regards to reliability and surprisingly, quality too (made in Taiwan not mainland China) but nothing about Hyosung. Even if it was half that price and only for a year I still wouldn't trust them.

Good advice from Tattysnuc. Go for it!
Honestly, stick with Japanese.

These cheap copies are built with poor quality materials, go rusty and fall apart like cigarette ash.

If you like the cruiser style bikes then take a look at these:

I dont know enough about makes to make a judgement. What would you recommend for my height or would those you suggested me ok?
Well, I don't know about hyosung in particular but I do know that if you stick with Japanese then you can't really go wrong whereas a lot of people have problems with cheap Korean or Chinese builds.

Stick with Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki or Kawasaki.

As for the size issue, all of those bikes will be roughly the same size.

I'm 6'2 also and although the cruiser styled 125s aren't ideal for taller people, it won't be TOO much of an issue. I rode one of the old Honda CGs when i was a learner and it wasn't the biggest thing in the world but fine to ride comfortably.

If you're not set on getting a cruiser then I would definitely suggest a Honda CG or Yamaha YBR as they're cheap, bullet proof and easily found. They'll be a bit taller than the cruisers too, not by much mind.
Not sure on link to bay so just google HN125-8 125

A little worried about size too as I am quite tall. 6'2"

Hyosung are a Korean manufacturer and make some pretty reasonable bikes. However I googled the HN125-8 and found that it was made by "Huoniao", a relatively unknown Chinese manufacturer. The quality is almost certainly reflected in the price, as with most Chinese bikes.

These bikes have virtually no residual value and some of them can be a problem to insure and get spares for. They tend to rot at the first sign of moisture as well. A second hand Japanese bike for the same money (CG125/YBR125) is a far better investment - keep it tidy and you will lose very little money when it's time to sell.
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Hyosung are partners with Suzuki and they are pretty decent bikes, the 650's particularly using a lot of the SV Parts, they have been growing a lot more popular recently.
I myself had a 125 Hyosung and it was brilliant, just make sure the same as with buying any other bikes that it has been well maintained/serviced and there should be no problem.

I would however stay away from cheap chinese tat!
A friend had a Hyosung Gt125r for just under 12 months and no issues at all.

As said they share parts with the SV650. Even the 125 models use the 650 frame so a perfect for taller riders.
Here is my Hyosung:

All I can say is I absolutely love it, comfy to ride good mileage and reliable everyone complements it! look after and it will serve you well.

Please don't believe the crap people slate it with usually "you'll never find parts" or "itl rust in a month" just look after it :)

I often get asked speed wise it isn't out special average really, my jets are way too high at the moment (stock 87.5 and 90 mine are 102.5 and 105 :O!) but its mainly down to me being constantly at work and not able to sort it :D the stock exhaust is pitiful at best and I was almost knocked off at least 5 times due to nobody hearing me at all and there incompetence to look in their mirrors but the blueflame sorted that.

If your looking at one and it has stock shinkos on it I urge you to replace them straight away there absolutely **** mate I went with some continentals they did cost me a bit though :(

I get around 200 miles to a full tank which works out about 75mpg a full tank costs me about 16 quid at current prices this is pretty average for them really have a look on fuelly at them the Pandp one is probably one of the most modded ones on the owners club im sure his is an 05 he got a bit less than me iirc.

The HN bike or whatever it is your looking at id stay well clear from while I was picking my bike up after getting my tyres done I was greeted by someone who had a Lexmoto Vixen (looks almost exactly the same as the HN) and he'd had pretty much everything replaced and a complete new bike the second time he had issues and the second bike (that he had when I was there) was an absolute wreck the mechanic who's garage I was at told him to get out he didn't want it back it was that bad as he was talking to me lol

Think what you want though there still even though they have been going a while an unknown area I suppose but I gave it a chance and don't regret it, its upto you at the end of the day :)
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