Company Logo

13 Oct 2004
South Shields
Hey Guys,

Don't venture in here very often but I was wondering if anyone who is handy with photoshop would like to take a shot at designing a company logo for me?

I'm tempted to do this as a competition and put up some sort of prize (if the mods sign off on it) as it will be used for my website etc.

The company name is "Nica Subsea Ltd" and at the moment it is black bold arial txt on a yellow background.

If this isn't allowed mods please close.


You'll get a load of rage here but if people with time want to have a go then that's their choice!

What does the company do? Do you have a website or any existing colours etc?

Yeah wasn't sure how this would work, its not a huge job but wouldn't want to go to a graphics designer direct.

The company is a subsea engineering consultancy, no website as such, the colour scheme from this will set the theme for the website which is being built by a friend of mine.

I might be able to knock you something up, how much do you want to spend, what is the color scheme, any particular logo styles that you like? any Ideas of what you might like?

you can email me [email protected]

(Full time Graphic Designer)
I might be able to knock you something up, how much do you want to spend, what is the color scheme, any particular logo styles that you like? any Ideas of what you might like?

you can email me [email protected]

(Full time Graphic Designer)

Oddly enough, you can ask for help with something like this, but the rules are pimping yourself for them are a little more strict. I could say to contact you but sometimes they get funny if someone tries to get the job themselves.

Kinda silly considering the area this is and the fact we come here for help.
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