Just out of interest how much emphasis does your company / department put on developing staff? Is it an 'Investor in People'? What sort of yearly budget do people's companies / departments allocate and the number of staff that are there?
The IT dept I work in now is going through a lot of technology and framework changes, yet there is a training budget of £20,000 and there are 52 (I think) members of staff.
Now I can't work out if not a lot / nothing is done here because they're afraid people will leave, but people leave any way when they see there's no progression.
The IT dept I work in now is going through a lot of technology and framework changes, yet there is a training budget of £20,000 and there are 52 (I think) members of staff.
Now I can't work out if not a lot / nothing is done here because they're afraid people will leave, but people leave any way when they see there's no progression.