Company travel time - what's reasonable?

18 Apr 2008
I have worked for the same employer for 15+ years. Over that time I have had to travel abroad (probably average twice per year usually to the same place in the USA. It is NO holiday).

Up until this year the company policy was that we would be paid for our travel time, either as time in lieu or as payment (the company doesnt do overtime so pay is always at the standard rate regardless of weekday, Saturday or Sunday). My working week is Monday - Friday 37.5 hours.

The most common trip is to the USA, usually traveling on a Saturday (this helps keeps cost down as opposed to flying during the week) staying there for 1 week, then coming home the following Saturday and due to time differences actually getting home approx midday on Sunday. Total travel time would usually be approx 40 hours. We would often work extra hours out there to get the job done so may accrue a total of 50 hours. As mentioned this would be paid usually as 50 hours standard rate pay or time off in lieu. Also company policy was for flights above 6 hours to be in Premium Economy.

Roll forward to this year and the company has decided to change the travel policy at their own discretion (they probably have the right to do this, I dont know?). So this year they want me to fly to the USA for 2 weeks. Fly out on a Saturday, go to work on the Sunday, work Monday - Friday, potentially work the middle weekend, then work the following Monday - Friday, flying home on the Saturday (get home on the Sunday). This will mean I am away from home for 3 weekends spanning 2 weeks (one of which is half term so the wife isnt happy).

This will be a minimum of 60 hours of my own time spent doing work "stuff" (over and above my standard contracted hours).

Work are now only allowing staff to accrue a maximum of 15 hours time in lieu in any one month (and will no longer buy time off of us) so anything above this (i.e. 45 hours of my own time) will have to be written off "for the good of the company". In addition they have also now pulled all Premium Economy travel so we will be in Economy (I am a short arse so no real inconvenience, but when travelling for business purposes and expected to go to work the next day after 20+ hours transatlantic travel, it would be nice to be in something other than economy).

I think this is a pretty poor deal, but i'm not sure what other people tasked with travelling for work may experience. Maybe i've had it good for so long and just come to expect it, or maybe my employer has just become incredibly tight fisted and are trying to maximise profit for the shareholder at the expense of the employee?

Is what they are asking fair, reasonable or even legal (it just seems wrong to have to spend so much of my own time travelling for work for no recompense)?

Appreciate any thoughts before I make a knob of my self complaining to the company. Refusing to travel is going to be very difficult, and I think the company are going to be very firm on their new rule and not want to bend

Sorry for the long and drawn out post and thanks.
if the previous arrangement was mentioned in your contract, then they can't change it unilaterally.

It wasnt specifically covered in my contract and was referred to as the Company Travel Policy. They just update it whenver they want to and change it to whatever they like. For instance today they decided to reduce the evening meal rate (which has been the same since 2010) from £25 to £15. No consultation, just wham - get on with it.
Have you tried talking to them about it ?

It has been discussed at a low level with immediate management and we (there are 4 of us going) have just been told to reference the company handbook/travel policy, which obviously now states that the company will only give a maximum of 15 hours in lieu.

I could refuse to travel, but have been told I would likely be accused of not doing my job and potentially leaving myself open to disciplinary action.
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