Company trying to pull as fast one?



27 Feb 2004
Back in 2018 we ordered and paid for a Sesspool from a local builders Merchant who then ordered the sesspool from their supplier who in turn ordered from the Manufacturer. I'm not sure but I think we received delivery direct from the manufacturer.

Today I received this email......

Good Afternoon/Morning

Following a review with the Accounts Payable Team in NMBS we have been advised that payment has not been received for the attached overdue invoices.

As per the agreed policy collection of this debt now falls directly between Kingspan Water & Energy Ltd and your company.

Please review and update on the reason for non-payment and what action is required to allow us to have this debt settled & cleared from our ledger.

Your prompt response would be greatly appreciated as due to the age of the debt, where no update has been provided, deliveries to your company invoiced via NMBS will be placed on STOP this month.

Kind regards

The invoice is not addressed to me it's addressed to supplier, I have been in touch with builders merchant and they confirmed that we have paid for the goods and have no idea why the manufacturer is trying to get payment from us.

As far as I'm concerned the only contract I have is with builders merchant and the manufacturer can go and do one.

Am i right? and how should I respond to the email. So far all they are going to do is to stop deliveries.
Worth checking the terms of the contract with the builders merchant, but that would seem right to me (unless the merchants Terms show differently)

However, the manufacturer may choose to stop supplying to your address anyway, as is their right

I've checked with the builder's merchant and they said ignore it. They can choose not to deliver to me but then I would have to order something first and I'm unlikely ever to need a sesspool again.
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