Company website any good?

30 Mar 2004
West Wing
Hi Guys,

I recently started a new company selling a generation meter for solar installations. The meter has GSM communications and can profile energy generation, plus I have a nice web front-end coming shortly so people can log in to get some pretty graphs and numbers.

What do you think of the website? Im keen to get some feedback on layout and content.
Thanks, it was built to a budget so theres a limit to what can be done.

The logo is slightly chopped at the top, i'll get that fixed.

I agree the header is a bit bulky. Will slim it down a bit.
It's a good base to start from, but I think you need to come up with a plan for what you want to do with the site. At the moment it looks a bit like you just have a website because everyone else does.

That is exactly the mentality I had when I spec'd the site - you gotta have a website so just get one made.

Not exactly sure what you're thinking by calls to action... I agree that there is not enough flow to guide visitors to the products and services. Ive got a few ideas from whats been said above so will get them implemented and report back here.
I posted this a while ago and have since made some changes to the website. It now uses a wordpress CMS so I can alter the content and add pages whenever I want. And uses a WooCommerce shopping facility integrated with paypal for payment.

Im still getting uses to Wordpress and haven't figured it all out yet. For example I dont know how to make the featured image in the product page non-linkable as I dont want visitors downloading the large meter picture!

Appreciate any feedback on the design and content. :)
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