Compaq screen broken.

14 Jul 2005
This is a strange one...

My missus's cat knocked her laptop onto the floor and now the screen doesn't exactly work. When you boot the machine up it activates the backlight a little bit, but it all stays black until Windows gets to the login screen where it displays a nice and clean turquoise image, and nothing else.

It isn't cracked at all, so I'm thinking it's a connection that is now dodgy, it outputs via VGA fine, but it means her laptop isn't so portable now. :p

Any ideas as to what can be done? I'll probably be claimed on house insurance, but even so, would be good to be able to fix it, saving on the insurance claim and all. :)

Ok, sounds like an easy enough job. I've had fun doing similar fiddly jobs, I had to take a mate's mobile apart and replace the screen, that was fun.

I'll see if I can persuade her, but she doesn't seem too keen on me taking it apart. :(

Ok, I have the laptop in front of me, I've taken out all of the visible screws, remove the HDD and DVD drive, and battery, and the bottom of the laptop will not come off, it appears to be attached still, which doesn't make sense as there are no more screws.

Also I can't spot any screws on the bezel, unless they are covered by the rubber pads (which don't seem to want to move just yet).

Any help greatly appreciated. The laptop in question is a Presario C300

I got all the levering bits off, but there was something right where the graphics card/cpu is that would not let the base go.

I have since making my previous post, done a quick google and found that I don't need to remove the bottom of the machine to get to the screen...I just need to remove the rubber plugs and some screws on the screen about making a mountain out of a mole hill. :D

Just thought I'd post some pictures to see if anybody has any idea as to what is wrong.

It appears to be outputting the central line of pixels from left to right, across the whole of the screen, so repeating the line of pixels giving a blurred view of things.

Booting up...


In Windows...


Windows via the VGA output...


So it isn't the graphics card playing silly buggers. And all of the connection on the back of the screen are fully connected still....


This means I want to check the connection on the laptop side of it, rather than the screen. So if someone knows how to take the underside of the laptop off that'd be great, as I can't seem to work out what is holding it on as I've removed all screws and clips that I can see.

It's being held on by something around the circular vent area in the picture below...


It would be nice to be able to fix her laptop, as it defeats the idea of it being a laptop/portable if she needs a separate screen to run it.

I currently have the laptop like so...


Got to go out soon, but it appears that all the cables/wires are attached and in full working order...this is really strange.

The connection on the top of the laptop is still in place, it doesn't appear to have ever moved, and the one on the underside appears to also be fine.

As far as we are aware it had run out of Warranty, hence me taking it to bits. :)

She'll just have to put up with a non portable laptop till she can get a new looking at ebay new screens are rather costly.

Cheers for the help with it though. :)

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