Compatibility issue with X570 and 32GB(2x16) RAM(Solved, PSU was faulty)

26 Jan 2014
Hi guys,

Motherboard: Gigabyte X570 Gaming X v.1.0 with bios F12e
CPU: 3900X

I do have problem to buy compatible ram for my motherboard. My current ram is:

CMK32GX4M2B3200C16 which is on the list:

Now the problem is the only way I got my ram work and dont crash my pc is:

"The following settings solved his issue:
- Enable XMP
- Set DRAM voltage manually to 1.35V
- Set RAM multiplier to 32x
- Set the first five subtimings manually to 16-18-18-18-36 (the same as XMP would) important!
- Set the sixth timing (tRC) to 56 instead of 54 as XMP would important!"

Now sometimes when I play WoW or Gears Tactic I do get some random shutdowns of my PC. Its like someone would take switch power off. Now as I do not have any other type of ram to test with I would like to ask you guys what is best ram I could go for 3200 min and 3733 max 32GB to run on my motherboard?

Any help would be nice.
One question as per the other thread, have you tried resetting your memory timings to all on auto then trying XMP?

With XMP windows see it as 2133. Basically when i sett to XMP profile Gears Tactic dont even start and it switch off my pc after loading screen when I should get menu screen.
^^This, also a complete random shutdown like that without a BSOD sounds like the Fabric crashing to me, make sure you manually set the FCLK to half of your effective ram speed and also giving a little extra SoC / NB voltage wouldnt hurt, total of 1.1v should be plenty, especially as you are running 32gb across 2 sticks.

What do you mean fabric crashing?
The infinity fabric, its part of the CPU, its the link between the cores and the IO die, if you've left it on auto it may not be setting itself correctly, since RyZen 3000, its been an option in the bios to set it manually, its best to keep it 1:1 with your ram, so if your effective ram speed is 3600mhz set it to 1800mhz, if your ram is 3200mhz set it to 1600mhz, its normally labelled in the bios as FCLK.

When I was first playing around with RyZen 3000, a sign of the fabric seriously unstable was instant off's, no warning, like someone had flicked the power switch, and as it gets better, you then start to get random off's, same scenario, only it could happen 15 mins into using my PC, or an hour in.

Also I always ask, please make sure your ram is in the correct slots, it should be slots 2 and 4.

Yes it is in A2 and B2 slots. My settings of ram are as above. I'm total noob in this field. I'm more than happy to buy new ram like 8 pack team group 3600 32gb but no clue what settings to get it work properly.
OK did test. With 4 sticks of ram 4x16GB Gears tactic switch off my pc after 5 mins of game play. When I left only 2x16GB slot A2 and B2 i could play for 30+ mins no issues. Now I'm so confused as my ram is on the list with 1,2,4 slot configuration and on 3200 speed. XMP don't work at all. The most stable run so far with some random switch offs i have with this settings:

- Enable XMP
- Set DRAM voltage manually to 1.35V
- Set RAM multiplier to 32x
- Set the first five subtimings manually to 16-18-18-18-36 (the same as XMP would)
- Set the sixth timing (tRC) to 56 instead of 54 as XMP

What make me more confused is when i run FruMark+Cinebench for hour there is no crashes at all. Did run ryzen dram calculator benchmark to and no errors. Memtest86 for more than 3 hours with 10test each run with 0 errors.
Sorry for all the lines everywhere, this is the only picture I could find, see the yellow instuctions, best man for this job is @orbitalwalsh he knows the Gigabyte bios inside and out, im more MSI.



Did as recommended and when I try Gears Tactic game I get same switch offs of my pc. Meaby its jost a game but i had similar issues with World of warcraft. I will keep below settings:

- Enable XMP
- Set DRAM voltage manually to 1.35V
- Set RAM multiplier to 32x
- Set the first five subtimings manually to 16-18-18-18-36 (the same as XMP would)
- Set the sixth timing (tRC) to 58 instead of 54 as XMP
- FCLK 1600
- Vcore Soc 1.1

and test in wow later on if it crash.

Any idea what to use to check my ram stability? As when I run Frumark or cinbench I dont have any issues but so far only games.
Tbh i spend last 4 days to try sort it out and find the issue. Did all with my current sticks of ram and would need to wait for 8 pack ones 3600 c14 two sets of 2x8 in total 32gb. If they would not work I will try psu for bigger one and if that no help then try rma mobo.

All settings I found regarding my ram and mobo I did try. Don't want to run my ram at 2133 or any other than 3200 i did pay for. I just want to check 8 pack ones as read loads of good comments and feedback. They should work with my mobo if not I'm willing to change mobo srsly just to get it working.

How I can check ram stability or overal pc stability? How come games make my pc shutdown and frumark with cinebench working together don't? They are under stress at 100% where none of the titles I play do so.

There is nothing in event logs other than kernel-power which just says my pc was shutdown wrong way.

Meaby there is any test you could recommend to run?
Yes PSU is a good shout, out of interest too, which GPU are you using, are temps etc OK on that and is it new ?

Tests that you've run so far will stress the CPU, Motherboard and Ram, but not really the GPU, but as @Troezar said, games will stress the system with different types of code and different ways compared to synthetic tests, however, it might be worth running a GPU stress test, something free like heaven bench will do it.

I do have Gigabyte arorus 1080ti extreme edition cooled by kraken and temps never go above 55 C. CPU is cooled by arctic cooler 360 and temps never go above 50 C while gaming.

I did use Furmark to stress gpu and cinebench all together and no crashes. None of the games use cpu and gpu at 100% anyway.

Regarding nes system on other drive I do use M.2 drives and system is pretty fresh.

I did install all latest drivers including amd x570 chipset drivers, lates bios on mobo and latest drivers for gpu. All temps are not even close to the max temps while stressing.

Its very interesting why my pc switch off randomly as all my tests on ram with memtest86 passes but like a lot said this test means nothing as ram can be stable in test but not work with the rest.

When my pc shutdown itslef and I switch it back on I do get my bios reset every time its happened. I need to set everything again as its on default settings. Worst part is my pc do the same even on default settings.

There is no log I can check what's happen. Windows don't log anything ether as have no chance. In event log I have only kernel-power error 41 which means my pc did close not the right way.

I can't come up with solution till new ram come in as can't find anyone using the same ram kit on the same motherboard. Seen someone running it on x570 with above settings and this is the only point of start for me.

If i i s XMP in bios it doesn't do anything as in windows win is seen as default 2133...really no clue what to do at this point.
Byuldzoid has a video able getting the most out of Aorus boards with ryzen . Worth a look.

Sorry, been recovering from Covid 19 so only been floating about

@GIGA-Man might be able to dig out about ram kit with Gigabyte but currently bank holiday so most likely having a BBQ like everyone else south of the wall (Aberdeen me)

Hi, did fallow this :

Definitive guide to configuring the Ryzen 3900X/3950X and all other 3000 Series CPUs

Did all from above on the video regarding gigabyte and as soon I run gear tactics after 2 min in the game my pc switching off. Funny part is I can run any of the benchmarks with no issues/errors. Stressing GPU+CPU dont give me any errors or shutdowns. Only when gaming and so far its World of Warcraft or Gears tactic. Basically no matter what settings I do in Bios system is switching off itself randomly in games as that what I test and use my pc with. I play games mainly.

Ordered 8 Pack sticks and will put them in and see if there is any difference. Hope they arrive soon.

When I had that with my PC it was caused by the cheap PSU I had in my PC at the time. With yours being Seasonic it seems less likely. How old is your PSU?

15 Mar 2015 22:00:00 Date when I bought it. 5 years. You think its his time?
Seasonic should be good for 10 years. My X900 lasted that long with no faults and I only changed it as it's 10 years old. It should also still be covered by the 10 year warranty if you do have a problem with it. Not sure how you go about testing the PSU at home though TBH. Maybe contact Seasonic and see what they say.

Anyway I would need to buy new one to test with if I send it to them. Any recommendations to PSU?
Not sure if you're aware but not all Seasonics are the same, I've recently read about people having issues with their cheaper PSUs on higher end systems getting issues. Going by reviews a quarter to a third of buyers were getting issues with this model.

I've had Seasonics in there form of Corsair AX750 x2 both 9 years no issues and my current one is fine too. They are/were however some of their best models.

Ordered Seasonic Prime GX 850W 80+ Gold and will be with me on Wednesday. Ram sticks arriving tomorrow.
Fingers crossed that resolves your issues. Must very frustrating, I hate trying to troubleshoot PC issues. Easy to fix but sometimes so hard to find!
Problem is mobo, ram and cpu are new and can be any of them or just ram not friendly for my mobo. If ram arrive tomorrow and will work stable means ram was bad. If issues carry on will change psu on Wednesday. If still have issues will RMA Mobo and get new one. If with new mobo will be the issue then CPU as I can't see the other options.
I'd pick a model your interested in then search for reviews. Johnny Guru was a good site not sure what's happening now he's working for Corsair. Generally though the higher price ones will have better quality components. Also look out for deals, picked up my 750W Titanium for £135 from OCUK. It is a white one but hidden away in my case so makes no difference.

As far as I know above gold not needed if I dont plan overclock. I just want sytem to be stable.

Btw I did some gaming tests and league of legends I can play for 2-3h with obs streaming with no shutdown but if play wow or gears tactic I got random shutdown. Will try some Minecraft dungeons later on but new ram arriving today then this will be different story I hope.
I see you mention Kernel Power 41 errors.

As a long shot, try disabling 'Fast Boot' in the BIOS, and raising LLC (loadline calibration) a notch. Worth a go...

Also, in Windows, System: Power & Sleep: Additional Power Settings: Change what the Power Buttons do: Change settings that are currently unavailable - disable Fast Startup.

This has been known to cause issues for some folk. Cured an episode of crashiitis for me a few months ago...
Did try that before and no luck. Read 41 just saying your aystem was shutdown wrong way meaning windows don't have log and don't know why. Did try balanced ryzen and performance ryzen power settings.
You're correct, above Gold you won't get your money back in power savings. Mine was at a £75 discount so made sense and they do build their high end PSUs better. Might be overkill but touch wood I've hardly ever had and stability issues outside of silly RAM settings :cool:
I did try most of the settings possible and on all intel setups never had issue with ram. Made move for amd as doing more rendering now and wanted to try amd platform after more than 5 years running intel and this is just nightmare! Can't get stable even on default where on all my intel platform was no problem. Usually boost aor xmp did work like apple phone :)
I got in to the problem when 1st time i did run gears tactic and my pc was crushing and I fought its the game and did carry on. Did my benchmarks and all did pass then I played lol casually and other 2d games like oxygen not included and all was fine. Then I did run wow to see how it looks like on my new rig and bam after 2h game shutdown same as in gears tactic. Then I went for software related settings/tuning and no luck then I went for ram testing as xmp never worked on my rig as it should. Did run out of options then came here. Past week was testing ram ralated settings and no luck.

System is 3-4 weeks old. Cpu, mobo, ram new. Gpu 1080ti old and psu(5years) old. Cant be gpu as I would get more like blue errors or windows would log it or leds on gpu would show me the issue and they don't.

All temps are fine. None of the components going above 60'C.

Ram was never stable from begining. When set xmp bios can't read it and in windows shows as 2133. Setting manually ram at 3200 without fclk and still running at 2133. When setting flck on 1600 see it as 3200 but then no stable in games. Funny part is no matter settings i do all benchmarks passes as its make no sense to me and then I run the game like wow or gears tactic and random shutdown.

2h for new ram to arrive fingers crossed!
Update with new ram:
8 Pack Team Group 16gb kit (2x8gb) DDR4 3600 CL 14-15-15-35 1.45v

All 4 are in slots A2, B2 and A1, B1. XMP on,

So far test:
In cinebenchr20 passed no issues
In intelburn 4 runs on high no issues
In howsomething(forgot the name) rendering in 4k no issues
In Frumark after 10 mins no issues gpu temp 40'C which is super low imo.
In aida had issue and cant find what did fail. All I can see is what on pics in the link:

Test 1 aida

Running memtest86 atm
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