Competitive Gaming/Team based

16 Jan 2012
Hartlepool (North East)
Hi Guys,

So I have been playing a lot of ranked games of LoL (I know its taken me a while) but its got me thinking I want to some more competitive games with leagues/seasons. I do like team based but open to suggestions. The main ones I have come across are the usual


Now I don’t really want to go back to a MMO especially WoW but it’s the grind that is stopping me from doing any of the above. I am aware that there will be some primary grinding to do if it’s a new game because you cant really get straight into the ranked system such as summoner level 30 in LoL

I should also mention I don’t want DOTA 2 or Hero’s of the Storm
CSGO if you're into shooters.

Check out Block N Load too. FPS. Each team has a base or two, you have 5 mins prep time before either team can attack to prepare your defence. 6 classes currently all bring something valuable such as turrets, traps, radars, secondary respawn points. It's really fun.
Thank you for taking the time to reply, I haven’t played CSGO before but along time I did play counter strike. At the moment I don’t really want to play the 'twitch' FPS

Block n Load is not my cup of tea but the game does sound interesting though.

It seems like there isn’t anything I am looking for at the moment with not many people helping me out. I will just stick to LoL for now and wait see what comes round in the future.
Could try Smite? Although its basically another MOBA but 3rd person not top down.

FPS you could try Dirty Bomb, fast paced FPS action with different classes.
I wouldn't put CS:GO into the "twitch shooters" category personally, but if you don't like it, you don't like it.

If you're used to LoL then Dota and HotS are the obvious alternatives. World of Tanks / Planes would be another shout as something to try.

Insurgency is another shooter that is starting to have a bit of a competitve following, not to everyone's tastes though.
Doesnt the proliferation of online cheats not put a dampener on your enthusiasm for competitive online games?
Have a look at World of Warships. Still be Beta and the Clan side of things is not yet in place. For all of that, allows you to get in at a very early stage and help shape where you want to go. At first glance, you might think the tactics are really simple, but the reality is that there's a lot of complexity. Lastly, you get to fire huge great big naval guns at ships.
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