Compiling C++ for mac

18 Oct 2002
I am slowly putting together a program in C++ useing builder, it is running fine at each stage under windows,

What i want to do is also compile a version to run on mac,

am i going to be able to compile a mac version on a windows PC? if so what software do i need?
if not i guess i need a mac to do it on,
I presume builder is some kind of visual programming suite (Borland C++ Builder perchance?) in which case you'll most likely need to re-do large parts of it to port it to OS X. You'll need a Mac, and luckily for you the whole development suite for OS X comes free with the OS.
Firstly that requires linux and secondly it requires you to be using standarc C++ libraries etc. If he's using Borland C++ Builder he most likely won't be using either, so it will mean a lot of rewriting before he could use either the distcc stuff (or indeed GCC at all) or XCode on a Mac.
Cant you just rebuild the code under OS X?

Just copy it over, and re-run 'make' (or whatever the OS X equivalent is...)
Im not useing linux, and yes it is borland builder,
Looks like i will have to find my self a mac, copy/paste everything over then look at what needs altering.
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