complete new system needed

28 Mar 2004
N Ireland
Need a complete new computer. Have no idea about spec not built a computer in about 5 years. So... Something basically for internet, downloading, maybe the odd game and burning cd's.
List a spec someone :) Oh, and something half quiet. :)
well, have built in the past so not afraid of that if needed. But dont really have the interest anymore. Something handy... would probably be best.
Hmm, budget, none really. but just remember the tasks at hand, i.e web forums, burning cd's and downloading, doubt il be playing many games, dont even have a console. Last pc i built was amd athlon 3200 based with a radeon 9600 and 2 gig RAM. Have been surviving on a knackered laptop for 2 years now as the old computer ate a PSU then ate the motherboard too. Never fixed it.
only thing, i intend to use a new TV (also needs purchased) to display what i am doing on the PC, i dont want a dedicated PC monitor. So that may have to be spec'd for
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