complete non-folding thread - and you called youself that because....

31 May 2006
West London
complete non-folding thread - and you called youself that because....don't just look!

Forum Username:Shadowscotland
Reason: my porn name (name of first pet and mother maiden name)

Folding alias (if different): lemonman
Reason: At uni I needed lemon juice to complete a recipe (cooking=de-stressing) and spent 10 minutes running round halls trying to find a lemon - for the next few months people remember me at the guy that was looking for a lemon - it stuck :rolleyes: :D

Folding alias (if different): lemonan
Reason: bad borging :o
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Ok, why not :)

Forum Username: JoeyJoJo
Reason: Have been using it for years for everything. Originally started as a take on a scene in the simpsons. Homer goes into Moes and has to think up an alias:

Moe: "What's his name?"
Homer: "Joey Joe-Joe Junior...Shabadoo?"
Moe: "That's the stupidest name I've ever heard!"
(A man is sitting on the other side of the bar runs off crying after he hears Moe say that.)
Barney: "Come back Joey!"

:D Thought it would make a good name, and it stuck.
Forum Username:MGP
Reason: It's an abbreviation of MovedGoalPosts which was too big a mouthful for the lazier people of online communities to type. ntl can take the blame for MovedGoalPosts, since I first used the name when posting complaining about their infamour capping policies way back in 2003 (or was it 2002?)

Folding alias (if different): Borged_by_MGP
Reason: Well i've got more than one cruncher running now ;)
Forum Username: SiriusB
Reason: I mucked up my registration with my usual screen name [Aeternum] so I needed a new one. I just grabbed the first thing in front of me and it was an album called Sirius B by Therion.

Folding Username: SiriusB_[OcUK]
Reason: Some muppet already had SiriusB, so stuck OcUK tag on the end.

Forum Username:TheTross
Reason:A variation of a nickname from early on at college. One of my mates called me 'Albatross' out of the blue "because it sounds similar to Albiston" (my surname); it became widespread pretty soon after and stuck as a result. I bump into said mate randomly every so often and he still calls me that, or some variation such as ''tross' or 'The Tross'. I've used 'TheTross' as an online name ever since; using anything else would just seem weird :o
Forum Username:Bigstan
Reason:My name is Stan and I'm a little chunky ;) in Scotland it is common for people who are larger than usual to have there name prefixed by "big" (e.g. Big Jock) - I have been called Bigstan many times in my life, so it kinda stuck. I pretty much use it as my internet persona all over the place.

Stan :)
Forum Username:Whitestar
Reason:I have been using it for years ever since I first saw the ship in Babylon 5. I think its just cool, so I decided to use it as my internet / games name.

Folding Username:LigerZero
Reason:Have you heard of a Liger. Its what you get when you breed a male lion with a female tiger. I think they are the coolest animal on the planet. When I joined folding Whitestar was already used, and instead of using my brain and using Whitestar(OcUK), I chose LigerZero as it was a name I had already used in another tech forum.
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Forum Username: oceaness
Reason: I first created this name pretty much randomly when I started playing C&C Tiberian Sun online (can't wait for C&C 3 Tiberium Wars soon :D). It's an uncommon name, not many people use it online, so I have used it all over the place. I like uniformity ;)
Forum Username:BillytheImpaler
Reason:I'm a big fan of talk radio. There's a comedy show out of Los Angeles from a guy named Phil Hendrie wherein he performs mock interviews with some very colorful characters, all of whom are voiced by Mr. Hendire. Back in the day, around 1999ish, he did a bit where he interviewed a 12 year-old goth named Billy the Impaler. It was very camp and amusing to me and the name stuck. When registering for SETI I didn't want to use my email address because I didn't want to receive spam. As such, I thought back and dug out the BTI name.

Folding Username:BillytheImpaler(OcUK)
Reason:BillytheImpaler was already in use by some idiot who is also me so I wanted to have a unique user name for my team 10 exploits. I did the traditional thing and tacked on a somewhat-meaningless (OcUK) to the back of my name on the forums. :)

I know, it sucks, read "spairs" by Michal Marshal Smith (spelt wrong because of beer festival) and it stuck because I bitched so much on wireplay about everyone else sucking ass at Q2 CTF.
Forum Username: A.N.Other
Reason: Many many years ago, I got a cheap PC from an add in a local paper. All of the software on it was regestered to a certain A.N.Other - never did manage to track him down :confused:. Anyway, I like the name, so I've used it for pretty much everything internet/PC-wise since.

Folding alias (if different): A_N_Other
Reason: Stupid Stanford don't allow fullstops in your username!
Forum Username:lay-z-boy
Reason: at the time of regestering on ocuk forum's i was called a lazy boy for not doing any work on the website i was ment to be working on, it stuck.

Folding alias (if different): Appleby
Reason: My surname, was going to use my forum name, lay-z-boy but my name on games and many other forums is 3NZ0 (dedicated to the 7.5 hours i spent inside one :D) so as a compromise between the two i decided to use my surname.
Forum Username:BrownSparrow
Reason:About a million years ago i used to play a game called delta force 2, at least thats what i think it was called? Anyway, it was a special ops fps that some people online used took way too seriously. The default name when you played it was something like 'Black Eagle' and players online usually had a variation of that theme - i decided id do the same and its kinda stuck since then.
Forum Username:Plasmoid
Reason: I use it everywhere else and, until recently, i was the one using itt (damn german stole my gmail!). Tought up of it back in 1998 when i needed a nick for the very first forum i joined, and andrew2000ad wasnt cool enough... i thought (i was young and showing off). Wanted something with plasma and it sprung into my head, and was better then plasmaman. Turns out its a real word, which is a plus.
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Ahh glad to hear there are fellow dot chasers round here! 'Is that a tree or someone about to fill me with lead??' :D

Those were the days eh, waiting an hour for your 14.4 modem to load a level!
Forum Username: null
Reason: My imagination is null. My previous name was piggott (my surname) and prior to that it was 'MoDmAsTeR'. I changed from MoDmAsTeR because I thought it was childish and untrue, and changed from piggott in favour of more anonymity.

Folding alias (if different): piggott
Reason: My surname, because for as long as I have been involved in distributed computing I have used it as my name, except for when I was crunching for 'TeaM MoDaLoT' ( :D, and one or two which ran under BOINC.

null :)
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