Completely lost, i need a new camera but dont know where to start....

14 Feb 2015
I made a thread about looking for a compact camera here

But after looking around i just cant decide, my situation is this, i have a Canon 1000D SLR camera and a compact just as old as that and a Samsung S5 phone, i would like to get a new camera for a holiday coming up but i just cant decide, i have 4 options really:

Upgrade my 1000D to the 1300D
Get a bridge camera
Get a compact camera
upgrade my Samsung S5 to a newer smart phone

Now i dont have a huge budget, i would say £200-£300 MAX although less would be better. Now i have been looking at sensor sizes and it seems its hard to get a fabled 1" sensor at this price, there are a few options but not a lot.

Then i seen bridge cameras, from what i can tell they are basically compact cameras at their base with a damn big lense attached allowing the range of an SLR with a couple lenses but then they also seem to have the same smaller sensor like the compacts....

Im lost, im so confused about whats out there and i dont know where to start, does anyone have any ideas?
IMO 1000D to 1300D isn't going to make a big difference if you're using the same lens (the standard kit 18-55mm?); you'll do better investing in better glass, but it seems to me you don't want to lug around a DSLR so even upgrading the body you'll still have that same issue.

From your other thread, everyone has already mentioned the RX100 MKI and that's pretty much the only camera I'd go for in that price bracket if you want something pocketable.
You need to decide if you want to carry a separate camera or just get a better phone because you'll get better quality out of the RX100, but something like the Samsung S7 for example, you'll always have it on you and the quality is still very good. That's a decision you need to make for yourself.

I have been thinking and to be honest carrying around an SLR wouldn't be a problem, its about 13miles a day walking but i can do it. Do you really think 1000d to 1300d wouldnt be that big a jump? the problem i have with my 1000d is its 10mp, the images are tiny and it makes editing them a chore, i have such a small amount of options to crop dinze i cant enlarge the image as much as i would like, i know its the same sensor but the added MP should be handy, i have the Canon 55-250 IS lense and getting the 1300d would come with a new stock lense (mine is all crunchy due to sand). If you dont think thats a good option maybe i should stay away from that option.

The problem with a new phone is i know they take good photos but the zoom is dire, im walking Hadrian's wall over the course of 14 days so will be wanting some zoom to get some lovely shots of wildlife and then also wide angle for landscapes/sunrises etc

I guess the question now is RX100 vs 1300D with both the stock lense + 55-250mm
another question would be I could get a used 100d for roughly the price of a new 1300d, if i go down that route of course, is going second hand worth it, i dont see that big a difference between the 100d and the 1300d but im not very knowledgeable with cameras.
If you are walking that much everyday I would get the Sony without a doubt.

My problem is im not exactly rolling in cash and i love my 1000d, i like taking all sorts of shots which a compact i dont think would work as well with so getting another DSLR would mean once im back the walk i will get some good use out of the camera where as the compact might be shoved in a drawer. I get they are bulky but i will be lugging around a backpack anyway, its not that big an ask, i regularly walk 15miles with my 1000d as it is.
I got myself an RX100 V1 for holiday last year - I was massively impressed, however:

  • My Pixel 2 XL shoots equally good photos in most conditions.
  • My iPhone 7 at the time was used more for photos as pictures were definitely good enough, even fancy artsy style ones, mainly because it was easier to take pictures and send.
  • The zoom was rather handy, but I would say if you're going to get a compact, try and get a bigger zoom as I was at the limit quite a bit.
  • Pocket size was great - it made it easy to take out and about.
  • I wish I had a view finder as the bright sun made seeing the screen difficult at times.
I can upload some picture comparisons if you like?

A lot of these points are whats making me think a DSLR might be better since i already have a 55-250 lense so it will give me 18-250mm range, thats plenty of zoom for most things and then i have a lot of features to me. I would love to see some of the sony shots if you dont mind, some real world photos would be helpful, i just feel i have been in the dark for the past 5 years and missed a lot of improvements.
I have another rather stupid question, so lets compare the 100d with the 1300d, now the 100d is much older, are cameras like computers in that a 4 year old camera will be worse than a new camera or is that where im getting into trouble? Im looking at the age of cameras thinking anything thats old will clearly not be as good as the new models.
Here you go. Only got a few photos on the Pixel 2 to compare to, just to give you an idea of the level of quality you can get from a phone these days. I've used a range of photos from the RX100 to help give you an idea of the sort of pictures you can take on the Superior Auto setting across a range of scenarios.

Hope it helps!

Note: click on the images to get the full quality version :)

What model RX100 was that? The photos are stunning but i notice there are models ranging from £300 to £600, all different versions. would never have guessed a point and shoot could do that.....
If you really don't mind carrying a DSLR around, and you don't want to invest in a new system (e.g. Sony or Fujifilm, which will be over budget if you want a walkabout and telephoto lens) then instead of getting a new body, I'd consider a decent walkabout lens. I haven't kept up-to-date with lenses, so others will be able to correct if I'm wrong, but something like the Sigma 17-50mm OS f/2.8 is a good shout. Bear in mind it's heavier than the standard kit lens. Or if you want to try a prime lens, the Canon 24mm pancake lens is decent, small and light.

I have actually been thinking maybe just keeping my 1000d and getting a new lense, my 18-55 is rather crunchy and sticky, its old and i have taken a LOT with it, i couldn't spend much, i do wonder if there is a budget decent lense for £150 odd that could replace the 18-55mm stock lens.
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